dax8.txt CHAPTER SEVEN - HYPNOSEX A sweltering unseasonable heat met Dax as he left the office. He had been so busy with the rigors of a new week that he hadn't even the opportunity to stop for lunch. Just as well, he thought. It wouldn't hurt to shave about three pounds or so. Dax fired up the air conditioner and headed for home. His mind wandered to a new computer bulletin board friend he had met the previous day. Ed seemed like an average guy with an interest in improving his sex life. He and his wife Linda lived in a little town near Pittsburgh, were in their forties, appeared to be devoted to one another, but something seemed to be missing. Ed and Linda weren't alone. Many couples experience this common phenomenon after being married for many years. Ed was interested in breathing a little new life into their relationship. Dax had been jumping around the computer system from door to door when he was paged by Ed. As most people, Ed seemed incredulous about the use of hypnosis in sex. He couldn't believe that so many wonderful things could be accomplished by the use of hypnosis. It all seemed supernatural and frankly, so much bull. After Dax had the opportunity to share some of the methods and analogies of hypnosis, Ed became more interested and wondered whether this may be the direction he should take. Dax's biggest challenge seemed to be convincing Ed that is was normal to want to make sex more exciting. In response to Dax's questions, Ed advised him that he and Linda had never actually shared any fantasies with one another. Ed had wanted to experiment with threesomes as one time, but Linda seemed to be somewhat put out about it. She had never indicated an interest in making it with anyone other than Ed. Dax advised Ed to try to draw Linda's interests out through conversation and to get back to him so he could prepare an approach for them. The following evening when Dax signed on to the system there was electronic mail for him. He always got excited when there was a message for him. It was a lot like getting a letter that didn't have one of those little windows in it that meant the dirty "I" word - invoice. Ed indicated that he was able to determine one significant thing in his conversation with Linda. She was crazy about Patrick Swazee. She had indicated that although she was devoted to Ed, Patrick could park his shoes under her bed anytime he wanted to. Ed shared that he was a little jealous, but oddly enough, somewhat sexually excited by the prospect of Linda making it with someone like that. Dax prepared as message to leave in the electronic mail system for Ed. He indicated that chances were likely that Linda could mentally substitute Ed for Patrick Swazee. He cautioned Ed that much of the success of this effort had to do with whether or not he did anything to make Linda feel guilty. If they would like to try it, Dax would be happy to help them. He went on to say that it would probably take a good deal of convincing on Ed's part to get Linda to agree. Instead of visiting the house, Dax wanted to know what interests they had that would enable him to meet them socially. He singed off and waited for Ed's reply. The next time a signed on to the system another message was waiting for him. Ed indicated that he thought that Linda found the idea to be exciting but had some concerns about hypnosis and the proverbial trust factor. They didn't know Dax and were a little concerned about meeting him. Ed also explained that each Wednesday he and Linda went to a local bowling alley with several other duffers. They would be agreeable to meeting Dax there but didn't want any of their friends to know that they were meeting him for this purpose. Dax answered that he would meet them at the bowling alley and maintain a discrete approach to the matter. He hadn't been offended by their concern. It was natural, and Dax had encountered this skepticism almost every time he approached such a situation like this. He made plans to meet with Ed and Linda and felt confident that he would be able to help them in one fashion or other. Each time Dax got involved in a situation such as this was erotic for him. It brought back so many exciting memories. Wednesday had arrived, and the work day had come to an end. Dax stood at his mirror combing his hair and straightening his shirt collar. Assured that everything looked presentable, he got into the car for his short journey to the bowling alley. This was such a beautiful time of the year for a ride. The trees began to fill with green, flowers painted the scene and the fresh air filled his wandering mind. Pulling into the bowling alley parking lot, Dax reviewed the available parking spaces and selected on close to the door. He could always tell what kind of people frequented a place by the look of the parking lot. This seemed to be a nice bunch of folks by the type and number of cars adorning the lot. There was a nice looking mix of people in the place. Adjoining the bowling alley was a nicely accented lounge with soft rock playing. Dax perused the lanes and saw that Ed and Linda could have been any of seven different couples. He decided to take a seat and wait for direction. One couple did seem to snatch peeks at him more than any other. It appeared as though they were waiting for someone. Soon one of the males of a couple foursome wandered over with a towel in his hand. "Dax?" said the man. "That's me. You must be Ed. How are they rolling for you?" Dax inquired. While waiting for his answer, he began sizing up Ed and trying to figure out which of the ladies were Linda. It really didn't matter as both of them were lovely looking ladies. "I think my balls are bigger than the ones we are using. I bowl so badly that you have to have big balls to embarrass yourself by bowling in front of everyone," he laughed. Dax assured him that he had plenty of company and that his main claim to fame had never been bowling either. After some additional small talk, Ed invited Dax over to meet Linda and their friends. Amenities having been exchanged with Linda, Karen and Joe, Ed explained that Dax was a computer friend that they had met on the computer bulletin board and they were going to have a drink and discuss some of their computer ideas. He asked Karen and Joe to join them. Dax took a spectator's position and watched as the bowlers plied their hobby. It was Linda's turn to toss the ball. Not being an expert, Dax watched Linda make her initial approach. It soon dawned on him that her approach was not what interested him. Linda was about 5'5" tall and about 125 pounds of lovliness. As Linda picked up her ball from the return, she grasped it in both hands in front of her. This movement provided the loveliest view of her cleavage; soft white breasts with a healthy texture that captured the attention of most men in the area. His eyes were then drawn like magnets to her wonderfully shaped buttocks. He slacks provided cover but left very little to the imagination. They were so perfectly lifted and separated, and they danced so artistically as she made the short trip to release her ball. He thought that he might just have to take up this game on a regular basis just to return to this lovely view. After the four bowlers had sufficiently tired themselves with their less-than-300 game, they stowed their equipment and headed for the lounge. Having been seated and drinks ordered, Dax explained that he was a sociologist, worked with behavior modification and came to find that he and Ed shared many common interests about computers. Shortly thereafter, Karen and Joe excused themselves so that they could pick up their son at baseball practice. Linda, Ed and Dax all seemed to offer a sigh of relief as the couple left. Additional drinks were ordered and the conversation continued. Ed began to offer apologies for his comments to their friends, but Dax stopped him with a raised hand. "There's no need to apologize. This is your business, and if I don't understand, I don't have any business being here. My interest is in seeing you both learn to enjoy life and one another more. I get off on it. Some people collect stamps. I collect happy people. It's erotic as well as meaningful," Dax smiled. "I hope that's not all you get off on," Linda offered with her own smile. She appeared to be somewhat attracted to Dax as well. Dax felt several times as though she had been stealing glances at him, but he couldn't figure if it was that she was concerned about him being there or happy that he was. "No Linda, not at all. I'm just as normal as the next guy, but I'm sure there would be people that would disagree with me on that. If you don't mind, I would like to be candid with you from the beginning. Am I correct in assuming that you are both interested in improving both your relaxation techniques and your sex lives?" Dax asked as he casually raised his eyebrows. Having received a nod from them both, Dax went on. "The mind determines what happens and how it is perceived. The reason that we get sexually excited is that the mind sends messages from the brain to various parts of the body. In a man's case, blood is sent to the penis, it fills, expands and becomes rigid. Very much the same thing occurs when a woman becomes excited mentally. Once again, our brain tells our system to increase the blood flow to the extremities. The breasts, nipples and buttocks become more sensitive as the nerves are exposed because of an increased pressure of the blood supply. Mucous membranes are squeezed by the blood flow which provides lubrication to the vagina. The inner and outer lips of the vulva expand and become heavy. "Our mind makes these things happen. Much of it has to do with what we have programmed ourselves to consider sexy. That is why we refer to men as tit men, ass men, leg men and the like. Smell provides a real turn on for some people. Some folks are excited visually, while others can only be turned on by touch. Again, the mind is doing these things for us and to us. As time goes by, many people require additional or different stimuli to provide excitement. You've heard the expression, 'variety is the spice of life,' I am sure. That is what the expression refers to. "Almost all of society has their secret turn-ons. Many don't speak of them, but most have them. My wife, for instance, never demonstrated much interest in anything other than infrequent missionary style sex. She tried to please of course, but sex was not very exciting for her. She never mentioned fantasies. I took for granted that she didn't, until one day she said something that led me to believe that she had. I questioned her about it. Too immediately she denied that she ever thought of anyone but me. After additional prompting, she admitted that she may have had fantasies but didn't have the courage to share them because it wasn't normal for a "good wife" to think of anyone sexually but her husband. "This conversation occurred while we were in bed. As I was able to pry more out of her, she noticed that I was not getting angry. In fact, I was getting aroused; more aroused than she had seen me in quite some time. Before the night was over we had made love three times and climaxed with more pleasure than we ever had. After that, fantasy had a place in our hearts and in our pants. Sex had become better and more meaningful. I guess that's one of the reasons that we are still together and enjoy one another so much sexually. I was able to assure her that jealousy had no strength or place in our relationship so long as emotion wasn't diverted from each other. I would be jealous if I believed that she loved someone more than me, but it only served to excite me to think of her making it with someone else," Dax concluded. Linda seemed to be amazed at Dax's honesty in explaining how he perceived fantasy and jealousy. "Have you or your wife ever made love to someone else Dax?" she inquired. With a slight smile begin to curl on his lips, Dax remarked, "On several occasions we have experimented. Jealousy did occur the first time for both of us. Fortunately, our juices took over and the situation was so hot, a wonderful balance resulted. Afterward, when we discussed it, our discussion just made us more excited. We were left with a better understanding of our own jealousy. Once I realized that although it turned her on she was also doing it for me, my jealousy went away and what was left was pure excitement." "Quite honestly, you have captured my interest," Linda said. "Would you be interested in trying to help us achieve some of the things that hypnosis has to offer?" "If you are both not just interested to try it but hungry to master it, I'd be happy to help you. This isn't something that you put a halfhearted effort into. You should commit to submit your mind to it and attempt to practice periodically to improve you own ability. When would you like to start?" Dax asked. Linda looked at Ed for approval and direction. Seeing no objection, she said, "well it's not too late now if you wouldn't mind following us to our place. It's only about a mile and a half down the road, and it's in the direction you'd be traveling." Dax looked at his watch and agreed to follow them to their home. He asked them to think about what they would like to experiment on while they were driving back to the house. They gathered their equipment, left a tip on the table and began the short trip to their home. Dax followed, pleased that he had been able to give them some initial good direction about hypnosis. The trip was indeed short, and soon they had arrived at their destination. Linda and Ed lived in a lovely neighborhood. Their house and grounds were well maintained. The inside of the house was furnished in a lovely fashion. Dax thought to himself how proud he was that he had read these people correctly. They seemed to be a very nice, average couple with their heads screwed on right. After they were settled and Linda had prepared drinks and some snacks, Dax asked, "did you discuss what you would like to work on with hypnosis?" Ed began, "we did talk about it a little Dax. Linda and I think that you may have something there with the jealousy theory of yours. Both of us are willing to try making it with someone else. We have agreed that it either of us develops a problem with it we will stop and scrap the idea. Nothing ventured; nothing gained. We believe that we are mature enough and love each other enough that we can overcome it." Linda illustrated her agreement by nodding her head, but she said nothing. Dax, in turn, placed each of them into deep hypnosis. They were both excellent subjects. Much of it had to do with Dax's explanation of what would occur and their commitment to their submission. He gave them each post hypnotic suggestions that would enable them to enter a deep trance state each time Dax snapped his fingers twice while looking them in the eyes. Through the use of additional suggestions Dax established that in Ed's eyes Linda would become Kim Bassinger and in Linda's eyes Ed would be Patrick Swazee. They would both be extremely horny. They also did not have to waste time with amenities. He increased their sensitivity, increased the intensity and length of their respective climax and ended by giving them the instructions on how and when they would wake up. Additionally, Dax would not be visible to them. Both were woken and Dax retreated to a chair in the corner of the room to observe. Ed sat there looking in awe at Linda. She was just as captured by Ed. They both stood and immediately began removing one another's clothing. Dax felt like a voyeur, but it was very exciting. Linda was a knock-out and he could feel his cock begin to lengthen. It was like watching his own personal porn film with the added excitement that he helped write the script. He watched as Ed's hands went to Linda's heavy, naked breasts. Ed's eyes gradually lowered to view this lovely spectacle. He tweaked her lovely hardening nipples and filled his hands with tit flesh. Linda moved her hands to Ed's now-naked buttocks and squeezed as she offered her hot lips to him. His thick penis began its upward climb to erection leaving a slight trail of seminal fluid on Linda's baby blue panties. As his hands sneaked inside the waist band of her panties and he filled his hands with her ample ass cheeks, a deep moan escaped her lips into his hot mouth. Dax watched as Linda's buttocks were exposed to his view. His rod was now rock hard and straining for a volcanic release. Linda's full buttocks were pressed together and separated intermittently. Dax could see the deep crevice of her ass and the dark patch of cunt hair. The smell of lust filled his nostrils and increased his own excitement. Soon Linda dropped to her knees and placed Ed's extended meat gently into her mouth. Ed squeezed his ass tight as he pushed forward to gain depth. Linda lifted his balls and massaged them gently as her wet mouth surrounded his straining cock. Each time he pulled slightly out of her mouth, Dax was able to see the residue of her saliva coating his huge penis; preparing it for its trip into the depths of her slippery and swollen pussy lips. Never had Dax seen such an erotic sight. He almost felt part of the action, and his hand began to massage the grand lump in his own pants. Gently, Ed lifted Linda into his arms and headed for the couch. He lower her as her breasts swayed like oceans of heavy fluid contained only by the shores of flesh that surrounded them. He nipples were hard and extended. The tight nipple flesh pulled hard at the ample breast which surrounded each. After settled in a reclining position, Linda felt her legs being separated by Ed's strong hands. The muff of cunt hair which encircled her deep honey pot separated to frame a slick pink gully. Dax watched as her love cream seeped out of her hole and ran down into the deep, warm crack of her ass to bathe her tight, quivering ass hole. Ed's lips began at the knee on the inside of Linda's thigh. Never was he this hot. His normally thick cock was as rigid as an iron bar and felt like lead. It became to hard that he could feel his hairy balls squeezed tightly against his body. His lips continued to more painting Linda's inner thigh with hot saliva. Closer and closer they came to her gaping hole tunnel. The fragrance of her wet sex visited his senses and made him tingle with added excitement. Linda could feel his slightly rough face teasing its way toward the magnet of her dripping, hair-covered pussy lips. His hands continued to test the weight of her jiggling tits. Each time the palms of his hands brushed her tight nipples it sent waves of excitement to her straining clitoris. On his nose he could feel the moist hair which covered her quivering cunt. Reaching from behind, spreading her tight buttocks, Ed used his fingers to spread the lips of her love tunnel. Ever so gently he pressed his hard tongue into her fuck pit. Dax removed his hand from his laboring penis, concerned that it would ejaculate prior to their completion. His eyes remained glued to the hot action. Linda was hotter than she had ever remembered being. She swallowed Ed's expanded cock and drove it into the depths of her throat with his 5'11", 155 pound frame. She could feel Ed's hairy balls rest on her chin as she filled her hands with his buttocks and pulled him yet harder toward her. Grinding her slick pussy into his gaping mouth, she could feel the weight of her breasts as they bounced in the air and tingled her rubbery nipples. Ed broke the lock that they had placed their convulsing bodies in. Turning her on her knees to present her taunt buttocks to his gaze and aim, Ed leaned her soft breasts against the couch and filled his hand with his own thick organ. Stroking it several times to bring it to yet new length, Ed placed the spear-like tip at the door of her womanhood. Linda couldn't help herself as she pressed backward trying to prematurely swallow his member with her hairy, dripping sheath. Ed soon rewarded her as he smeared love juices over the tip of his meat and began pressing its length into the depths of her hole. Deeper and deeper it traveled. What a vision! He could see the thick cock pole slip effortlessly into the dark canyon of wet heat. As he withdrew, Ed could see the evidence of her own juices glistening on his bone. Dax watched as the strokes increased in intensity, speed and depth. The sound of Ed's thighs smacking against Linda's firm ass was music to his ears. Dax could see Linda's ass wiggle as she screwed it back to receive Ed's advances. Her breasts jiggled so voluptuously that Dax's fuck bone almost went off without him touching it. His gaze traveled to Linda's face. The look on her face was a combination of angel and demon. Her earthy grunts gave him new reason to maintain erection. He loved the sound of pleasure, and there was no doubt that Linda had never felt so much unadulterated bliss. She was bucking wildly as the unrelenting cock drove deep into her cavernous pussy. The fever pitch that they had attained was soon met with the ecstasy they sought. Linda was screaming, "fuck that deep cunt Patrick. Fuck my hole with your hot meat and pour your cum into my guts." She was indeed being made love to by Patrick Swazee. He wanted her and he was taking her. "You feel so damn wonderful Kim. Take my bone in your hole and don't let go. I want to pump my cock in to you until it falls off," Ed responded. His cock was in Kim Bassinger's tight pussy and his hands were squeezing her rubbery ass cheeks. All at once, Ed through his head back and began a series of low grunts as he pumped his cream into Linda's pounding body. As if playing her part in an orchestra, Linda buried the top of her head into the couch and tossed her cunt up toward Ed driving bone. "Yes, Yes, Yes, Harder, Harder, Now, Now, Ohhhhhh!" she screamed. Soon they were spent and laying together in a half sleep. They were too tired to move or didn't care to. Dax placed them both into another trance. He gave them post hypnotic suggestions that they would wake up feeling wonderful, well-rested and remember everything that occurred during the love making experience at the count of three. "One, two, three; awaken feeling wonderful and sexy," Dax said as he clapped his hands loudly. They both opened their eyes slowly. Their faces were graced with the most wonderful smile, but each of them appeared to have experienced some embarrassment. Dax couldn't quite tell whether it was guilt or not. "How do you feel?: Linda began with a smile, "I feel like a truck hit me - but right in the correct place. It was a truck I have wanted to be hit by for a long time. I can't really believe that Patrick Swazee made love to me." She soon noticed that she hadn't a stitch of clothes on. As Dax saw her concern, he offered an afghan for her to cover up. "I don't think I have ever had a hotter experience. I was convinced that Linda was Kim Bassinger. No -- Kim Bassinger can not be that good. This is unbelievable. I can't wait to start again. Thank you Dax," Ed said meaningfully. "There's no need to thank me. I was just the facilitator. You and Linda made it all happen. The next time we get together, I want to teach you both how to be anyone you want, with anyone you want, wherever you want to be and as long as you want to be there," Dax said. "Now I have a little drive ahead of me, and I must to going. Beat's the hell out of bowling, doesn't it? Sit tight. I'll show myself out. Leave me a message on the computer and let me know is you have any suggestions on how to improve the process." Dax wasn't out the door before Ed and Linda were deeply involved in their own new experiment. Dax couldn't get home quickly enough so he could take care of his own hard business. On the trip home his mind wandered to pat himself on the back for another success story. These two were one of the hottest couples he had ever helped. It didn't do him any harm either.